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Following on the heels of reports about the dangers of certain energy drinks and links to caffeine intoxication and deaths, come new reports of energy drinks causing false positive drug test results.

  • These Nutricost Caffeine Pills help you stay alert so that you can feel your best and perform your best. It provides you with 100mg of high-quality caffeine anhydrous per capsule. These pure caffeine pills are a nice alternative to sodas and energy drinks that contain lots of sugar. They're gluten-free, third party tested and contain no GMOs.
  • It may also appear during the recovery period after quitting caffeine while the brain's chemistry is readjusted. Rather than increasing mental activity, caffeine actually decreases blood flow to the brain by as much as 30% and negatively affects memory and mental performance. Blood Sugar Swings Diabetics and hypoglycemics should avoid caffeine.

I do also take acetaminophen 250 mgs Asprin (NSAID) 250mgs with 65 NHS caffeine and a mixture of energy drinks, 5 hour energies, caffeine pills what take is depending on what I want that day. Yes, I know I have substituted my drug addiction with a caffeine addiction but it’s better than the alternative. Proprietary Blend: Yohimbine Alkaloids (Pausinystalia Yohimbe Bark), Yerba Mate (Fruit), Guarana (Seeds), Kola Nut (Seeds) (3 mg Caffeine Group Alkaloids), Capsaicin (Fruit).These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Recently, while in court on a drug test compliance calendar, my client tested positive for the presence of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. Based on these results, he was facing numerous adverse consequences, including revocation of his probation, loss of first offender sentencing and jail time.

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My client swore that he had not consumed marijuana nor been around anyone that had. After much deliberation, we were able to get the court to agree to allow him to take a second test.

I took my client to the side and quizzed him about the positive test result and how it could have occurred. My client reiterated that the only thing he had consumed that day was a Monster brand energy drink a half an hour or so before his drug test.

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After some quick research, it turns out that Riboflavin (a B vitamin and an ingredient in Monster) and ibuprofen, an alleged unlisted ingredient in Monster brand energy drinks, can cause false positive drug screens for THC. After waiting an hour and retesting, my client’s second drug test came up negative for all drugs, including THC.

Needless to say, my client was beyond relieved and the court was quite perplexed by the turn of events. This is a great lesson for attorneys to make sure their clients are aware of this potential problem and for anyone subject to random drug screens as part of a bond condition, probation condition, or for their job to be aware that they could screen positive for THC despite not having consumed any illegal substance.

Blackjack Caffeine Pills Review

If you have a similar case involving false positive drug tests and energy drinks, contact us today and let us help you! Call us at (770) 422-8840 or contact Scott at [email protected].